Monday, July 21, 2008

Welome to The Daylily Days of Summer

Boy I love daylilles, my Mom and I ordered 50 more to split between our gardens. (There is a real good deal she found on the side of my Blog) --->
I am excited. My Mother's Garden is awesome whereas I am still her padawan learner. Sorry I am bad at names too but, if you have educated guesses on any names or maybe just what you'd name them let me know.


ExpandForFree said...
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KeltyGuy33 said...

I love the lilys! They are beautiful and add such an exotic feel to the garden. Looking good!

Mother Nature said...

I also love daylilies. Have quite a few. There is always a new one.

Rosemary said...

I share your love of daylilies
Great flowers in your garden